December 22


Famous horticulturalist Luther Burbank wrote this letter in support of the Yogoda system and the “how-to-live” schools that Paramhansa Yogananda had founded in India and wanted to start in America.

Yogananda with Ananda Moyi Ma — a painting of Sananda Lal Ghosh's, based on a photograph

Yogananda with Ananda Moyi Ma — a painting of Sananda Lal Ghosh’s, based on a photograph


Yogananda met with the great Indian saint Ananda Moyi Ma in Calcutta, India.


Yogananda gave a talk at Hollywood Temple on “How to See Jesus Christ.”

December 9


Yogananda visited Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to attend the Pittsburgh Yogoda Bazaar and Social, and to introduce the new Pittsburgh Yogoda leader, Mr. R. K. Das, from the University of Calcutta.


Yogananda gave his disciple, Sister Gyanamata, a letter stating “in my absence you are the spiritual head of the institution.”

December 1, Autobiography of a Yogi Published


Yogananda was the guest of honor at a Hindu Health luncheon hosted by local students at the Hotel Sinton ballroom in Cincinnati, Ohio. He lectured on “The Art of Living.”


Autobiography of a Yogi published by Philosophical Library, was copyrighted by Paramhansa Yogananda. A faithful version of the original edition is available online.

December 3


Yogananda left Cincinnati, Ohio for Cleveland, Ohio.


Yogananda addressed music students in the parlor of the Music Building at the University of Minnesota.

December 7


A Hindu Banquet was given in Yogananda’s honor at the Chamber of Commerce building in Cleveland, Ohio.

December 24


Yogananda met his first disciple in America, Dr. Minott W. Lewis in Boston, Massachussets.


Yogananda conducted his first all-day Christmas meditation at Mt. Washington.


Yogananda gave a talk at Mt. Washington during the all-day meditation that was later included in the book The Divine Romance as “Answer the Call of Christ.”


Yogananda went into ecstasy during the all-day meditation at Mt. Washington. His talk was  later included in the book The Divine Romance as “Divine Communion With God and Christ.”

December 13


Yogananda began a series of lectures and classes in Rochester, New York at the Lyceum Theater. He also met George Eastman, the inventor of Kodak camera, and received a camera as a gift.


The first meeting of the Yogoda Satsanga St. Paul Center was held at the St. Francis Hotel. It was formed under the leadership of Mr. George A. Young with Mr. M. R. Keith, a prominent St. Paul attorney as president.

December 25


Sri Yukteswar formally bestowed the title of “Paramhansa” on Yogananda in Serampore, India.


Yogananda spent Christmas with his disciples Dr. and Mrs. Lewis at their Arlington residence.


Yogananda celebrated his first Christmas at Mt. Washington in Los Angeles.


Yogananda gave a talk on “The Inner Celebration of Christmas.”


Yogananda gave a talk that was recorded as “To Make Heaven on Earth” at the Christmas Day Banquet at Mt. Washington in Los Angeles.

December 4


Yogananda gave a free lecture on “Quickening Success through Concentration” at the B. of L. E. Auditorium in Cleveland, Ohio, followed by a week of Twelve Practical Lessons in Yogoda classes at the Hollenden Hotel.

December 27


Yogananda opened the 14th Annual Convention of the Hindustan Association of America in Boston, Massachusetts.


Yogananda addressed the 16th annual convention of the Hindustan Association of America at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Rajashi Janakananda gave Yogananda the Encinitas Hermitage as a gift, which Yogananda dedicated as Hermitage by the Sea. Among the teachers present at the time were R. Ostoja, Nerode, Dr. Lewis, Jotin, and Sri. Das.
